Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sam Nielson

This is a work from Sam Nielson, USA.
You can find his beautiful work right here:
This is what we think of this piece called: Martinez_Cover.

The first thing that comes to my mind when I look at this piece is, What could be the title of the book on this bookcover? Could it be a cookbook for Monsters?
I'm curious to see what my fellow story group members think?


*Little Mermaid 3- The revenge of her brother*
*Who Stole my other Bat*
*The Wizard of Orcs: the Rise of Undead Dorothy*
*The Proud Wolf Artist and his Sculptured Monsters*
I think that it is hard to say something smart about story when there is absolutely nothing to say about the story. Perhaps there is none. Again, in our opinion there is a story in everything and most importantly, it's the most important ingredient for making an image stronger.

That being said, I think that if you use 'realistic' lighting to add more space and depth, you could push it even further by using some simple rules of perspective, like surface and overlap. If I find time this weekend I'll make a quick sketch.
Another thing I notice about this piece is that the monster character is staged in a way to suggest movement, waving his bat with metal points, roaring mouth,squeezing fists, but it is not spaced that way. It is very symmetrical and static. An approach to make your drawings more entertaining is adding angles, spacing and kinesthetics. Try avoiding a rigid straight line-up of the elements.


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