Friday, May 14, 2010

Arthur Fong

This is a work from Arthur Fong, USA.
You can find his beautiful work right here:
This is what we think of this piece called: Sneakpeek.
We found this is an excerpt from this picture:

I think the story the artist wants to tell in this visual, is that the 2 characters are leaving their home to start a journey through a wonderful landscape (this is a clean and short explanation). I think the story in this visual can be made stronger by changing/adding a few things.

Step 1. They are leaving their house. I think this will be better to read, if you would flip the picture. Going back is going to the left (back to home) and going right (furter into the journey). Like reading a book.
START (left) & FINISH (right). Feels more natural.

Step 2: To increase the feeling that they have a big journey in front of them, it would be better to lead them into the world with that path they are walking on. Now it ends at the bottom on the right, because of al the lines (paths) there. So now they are walking by this wonderful landscape. It would be stronger if they would cross this landscape  into the mountains. So we're helping them to go into that direction
Step 3: I think we can create a better connection between the characters and the landscape. So that we can see/feel that they are going into that direction. First we let the old woman point into the fields. You need this because she is turning her back to it. You want to show that she is not turnig back to, but going away from. To make this even more clear and connect her to the fields, we bring the green hill (behind her) a little bit lower. So her silouette turns more visible into the yellow part and gets more attention.

good thinking J! I totally agree!

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